Digital security for housing associations

Mar 26, 2024

Digital security for housing associations: Protect your data with FileCap. Housing associations play a crucial role in society by ensuring affordable rental housing, sustainability and a livable environment. In this dynamic context, data security is an undeniable concern. Cybercrime poses a real danger, with potential consequences such as identity fraud, data breaches and reputational damage to the housing corporation.

The challenges of data security】

‍Housingassociations manage a large amount of sensitive information, including personal data of tenants and house seekers, financial data, technical documentation, contracts with suppliers and partners. This data is attractive to cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities in digital systems.
The complexity of IT infrastructures, the increasing digitization of processes and the constant stream of new cyber threats make it increasingly difficult for housing associations to optimally secure their data.
FileCap helps housing associations secure their digital data, improve workflows and comply with AVG legislation. FileCap is more than just software, it is an indispensable tool for housing associations that want to protect their data and reputation.

The role of FileCap

  1. ‍AVG-proof
    AVG, or GDPR, has a major impact on organizations. FileCap helps housing corporations and other organizations meet the strict requirements of the AVG legislation and helps prevent accidental breaches and fines for violations. Thus FileCap offers a secure and certified environment for the storage of personal data which is stored on servers within Europe.
  2. Secure sharing of sensitive information
    By deploying FileCap in your daily operations, you can send worry-free and secure e-mails and files from one environment. Switching between a secure mail solution and a file-transfer platform is not necessary with FileCap. Tenants, suppliers and partners can also email encrypted documents to you using FileCap via an invite sent by you. Securing sensitive data works both ways.
  3. Enhanced workflow
    FileCap doesn't disrupt your workflow, it enhances it. FileCap offers integration with Outlook via an add-in for effortlessly sending large attachments. No more worries about file size restrictions, document security or slow uploads. Retracting sent emails and files is also an option with FileCap.
  4. Manage FileCap
    In FileCap's easy and quick to configure administrator portal, administrators can change the settings of their FileCap environment. For example, you can set how long attachments remain available, which notifications users receive and which authentication methods can be chosen by users. As an organization, decide which security method to use and avoid unauthorized viewing of your emails and files. By setting business rules on the content of e-mails and files, automatic security protocols are activated to prevent data leaks. A dashboard and logging give you all the information you need about the daily and historical usage of the FileCap solution.
  5. Customizable to your own branding
    Let your FileCap environment blend into your own corporate identity. Your FileCap front-end will always look professional and match your organization's brand identity.

‍FileCap: more than software

‍WithFileCap by your side, complexity transforms into trust. Your data is secure, tenants, partners and suppliers are satisfied, and your housing association's reputation is safeguarded. FileCap's expert team will be happy to help you with questions. Want to experience the benefits of FileCap for yourself?

Try FileCap now